At Paving Shopper, we are committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. We strive to provide an accessible and inclusive user experience for all visitors to our website.

Our Commitment to Accessibility

PavingShopper is committed to promoting accessibility in the following ways:

  • Designing our website to be accessible to users with disabilities, including those who use assistive technologies.
  • Providing alternative text descriptions for images and other multimedia content to ensure that they are accessible to users with visual impairments.
  • Ensuring that all content on our website is easily readable and understandable, using plain language and simple design elements.
  • Providing captions and transcripts for video and audio content to ensure that they are accessible to users with hearing impairments.
  • Conducting regular accessibility reviews of our website to identify areas for improvement and ensure that we are meeting the needs of all users.

Accessibility Features

PavingShopper has implemented the following accessibility features to make our website more accessible:

  • Text resizing: Users can adjust the size of the text on our website to suit their individual needs.
  • Keyboard navigation: Users can navigate our website using only their keyboard, without the need for a mouse or other pointing device.
  • Color contrast: Our website has been designed with high-contrast colors to make it easier for users with visual impairments to read.
  • Screen reader compatibility: Our website is compatible with screen reader software, making it accessible to users with visual impairments.

Product Accessibility

We strive to provide detailed product descriptions, specifications, and high-quality images to help all users, including those with disabilities, make informed decisions about our paving products. If you require any additional information or assistance in selecting the right paving products for your needs, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team.

Delivery and Installation Accessibility

PavingShopper is committed to ensuring that our delivery and installation services are accessible to all customers. If you have any specific accessibility requirements or need assistance with the delivery or installation of your paving products, please let us know when placing your order or contact our customer service team.

Contact Us

PavingShopper is dedicated to providing an accessible and inclusive user experience for all visitors to our website. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about the accessibility of our website or services, please contact us at:

PavingShopper Sheeplands Landscape Centre Hare Hatch Sheeplands Reading, RG10 9HW

Email: Phone: 0118 469 3243

We value your feedback and are committed to continuously improving the accessibility of our website and services to meet the needs of all users.

This accessibility page is tailored to address the specific needs of a paving e-commerce website. It highlights the company’s commitment to accessibility, the accessibility features implemented on the website, and the efforts made to ensure product accessibility and accessible delivery and installation services. The page also includes contact information for users to reach out with any accessibility-related questions or concerns.